The Lord, our God, stands with me at all times. He places a guard before me to protect my life, and is there beside me to assure my fearful heart
He forms a barrier from behind, so that no evil may overtake me. Even in the endless spaces above, God is there, as a guardian from any who might strike at me
He lifts my feet and gives me strength to run in battle, so that I might advance or withdraw according to His will
His Spirit and wisdom, they guide my life. They carry my feet upon His path
How awesome and assuring it is that our God and savior goes before me. He continually watches over my lowly frame. Even in places and realms that I have no understanding of, He covers me with an endless blessing of protection; because of His love for my soul
Each day many trials and troubles beat against my life, yet I stand. Though many gather together in opposition, I prevail and continue on. In infirmity and loss I am bowed, but I am not broken, for the Lord delivers me from all these things
He lends strength to my life, when I fear there is nothing left of me to give, and lifts my countenance, when I could easily give up. I withstand, because He stands with me
There will come a time, someday, when I will no longer walk upon this earth. Death will claim its victory over my life. But, the God who loves me, He will save my soul. He will heal my fatal wounds, and pronounce me alive once again
For He will always stand with me, to guard my life and protect my soul. He will watch over all that lies ahead, and also, that which might come from my side. He will protect me from behind and from above, so that no evil will overcome me
How great is our God!
He continually lifts my feet and renews my strength, so that my life is filled with unending hope and assurance. For His love always overcomes and prevails above all things 9/26/2006