I am not perfect. No, I am far from being that. Nor have I attained greatness in any way.
But in spite of my lack, I press on that I may reach that which was given me to reach. So that I may lay hold of the things for which Jesus Christ has also laid hold of me.
For there is a purpose I my life. There is a reason that I am here; That I may glorify my Father in heaven with all that I have and with all of my life.
I have not reached yet what He has placed before me. I feel like I have not come close. But, one thing I do is to forget the things that are behind me and reach for those that lie ahead.
For there are many things from my past that I wish had never happened; And if I let them, they would weigh heavily upon my soul. They would place a drag on my life and keep me from being all I could be.
I thank God then that He has forgiven me, and taken away the sentence of sin that hung heavy upon me. That through His Son, Jesus Christ, I have a new life, where I can live in freedom to be my best for Him
I no longer look back on my life in regret, but look forward to all the exciting things which God has in store for me. In eager anticipation, I reach forward towards all that lies ahead.
No, I am am far from attaining any measure of success. But, I continue on nonetheless. I let God worry about how much of an impact I am making for Him, knowing that there is really no way for me to measure that, anyway.
I simply press on, following His lead, excited to be a part of something so grand.
I remember that God has set aside a prize that awaits all those who pursue the upward call; and a reward to all those who seek His will.
Even though I may stumble and fall many times a day, I pick myself up and brush off the dust that clings to me, and set out again upon the pathway He has laid.
Though I may tire along the way, I rest and take nourishment from His Words; And when my strength has returned, I press on again, knowing that His way is the only way to life
For I have come to the conclusion, that any other way that I could go is just a counterfeit path, for only in Christ, does my life achieve any meaning or purpose. 1997