The other day I awoke early and drove to an open space park twenty minutes from my home. It was a still hot early October morning, and the hills were parched after months of dry winds and no rain. A coating of dust with flakes of ash from a nearby wildfire spread a powdery film on the leaves of shrubs and oaks along the trail. As I walked up a hillside perched above a wooded river valley, I scanned the dry plants along the trail for varieties of wildflowers that were bearing seed. In the spring, this park had a particularly beautiful and widespread display of flowers, and I was on a mission to collect a small portion of the bounty of their seed.
Though it was barely noticeable on this hot dusty morning, these dry hillsides were literally covered with promise in the form of tiny seeds. Each carried the possibility of forming a new wildflower, which, if everything worked out, could be the parent of countless generations of that species. One little seed the size of a pinhead has that much potential. In a few hours that morning, I collected thousands of seeds from a variety of beautiful and beneficial plants that graced these hillsides. These would later be placed to grow in similar environments at other open spaces, and some will sprout up in the yards of people who like to grow native plants.
It is amazing what is packed into the tiny propagating package of a seed. They come in many shapes and sizes, each built with the ability to quite efficiently disperse their DNA into the world around them. Some are good at attaching themselves onto passing animals, others, with durable shells are found in edible fruits that are eaten and transported elsewhere to be dispersed. Some have pods that explode when sufficiently dry and launch their seeds for some distance away from the parent plant. I am especially intrigued by the plants that have seeds which have learned to fly. They have engineered for themselves wings, propellors, parachutes, and wispy threads, that launch them onto the wind and carry them for astonishing distances. There is no place on earth where these types of seeds have not found a place to land.
Jesus once told a story about a farmer who was sowing seeds in his field. His parable illustrated the incredible potential within each seed when it falls upon the right soil conditions. The Son of God recognized the genius of His own creation and used it as a way to illustrate the power packed potential of each seed and within each person who puts their faith in God. You see in life many seeds are produced by each plant, but only a few manage to avoid the pitfalls and dangers that exist here on earth. Only a small percentage find the right conditions to grow and produce more seed for the next generations.
Our faith and our lives exist in similarly difficult conditions. Many of us never truly get to hear the Gospel message in any meaningful way and its power remains unrecognized to us. Others hear the Word and believe for a time, but old habits and attractions lead them astray from God’s message and they never find the time or need to truly understand the magnitude of the saving power of the Gospel of Christ. Then there are those who because of circumstance and acquaintances, are too busy and distracted from being able to listen and understand God’s saving message to them, and they fail to grow and miss the most important thing in life.
But then there are those few whom the message of the Gospel falls upon who open their minds and their hearts. Those made of the right makeup, who possess the right conditions where the Word of God is heard, seen, felt, and tasted. There, God’s Spirit and His Word bring understanding and faith and they are changed. In these precious human seeds, faith yields a production of a hundred, sixty, or thirty times what was sown. This is the megaton of power found in each seed. That exponential potential that can transform a landscape or with faith, change the world around them. It can make the blind see, and the lame walk true. It can bring the power of God’s love to flower in dry and windswept lands for generations to come and has restored untold millions to life everlasting in Him.