Our lives occur along the long trail of life, that winds and curves, which trudges over vast expanses, and lingers at times, sometimes stuck, sometimes mired
We scale great mountains, and enjoy the views, and dance across beautiful meadows and windswept beaches.
Sometimes we find ourselves entering a battlefield, or come to a place as aliens, refugees, the displaced
Oh, this life we live. We have so much hope and so much struggle. How we choose to see our path makes all the difference
The Lord, our God, has helped me greatly. He has helped guide my soul and my being. He watches over me by night and by day, so that I might see my way through life safely
There are no guarantees, except that our God loves us. No easy ways to go, but God makes my steps lighter. He gives sight to my eyes where they can’t see and strength to my steps, so that I can overcome
He shows me a more excellent path, so that I can know right from left, and right from wrong
Our Lord shows me wisdom, so that I can choose to love, instead of acting out of anger. Or to give from myself, instead of hording things to my own peril
The paths that God leads me down bring health to my life. They open to me choices that create peace with my enemies and love between my neighbors
His wisdom gives me a greater understanding, so that I have a greater chance of success and a better way to escape danger
Blessed are the paths that God leads me down, and joyful, the places He leads me to
When I become forgetful and less connected to Our Lord, I begin to stray on to difficult paths. Tracks that lead towards troubled places. And it can take effort and trial to get back upon the best way
How easy it is for us to stray from God; To leave Him behind, as we seek something shiny in the distance
But these things are just mirages. They are empty and false and leave us in places of despair
How good it is then, to find God; To reach out to Him and pray with all your heart
For He will always restore us
He will pick us up and place us back on His path that leads us in all the ways of goodness. So that we can be whole once again 12/17/2019