When I see wonders throughout all of creation, it is proof enough to me that there is a God
Clouds streaming across the sky, even from beyond the curve of Earth’s horizon. Some form before my eyes, others shrink and disappear altogether
And in the distance, mountains rise up in their own quiet strength, beckoning me to explore their lofty reaches.They are not so much places where the Spirit of God resides, but temples, filled with the inspiration of beauty and solitude; places where God can speak to our hearts and reveal a measure of His glory
There are countless marvels within this creation. If we take the time to look and to explore, then we will become convinced of the priceless value of God’s creation
Who can gaze up across the expanse of stars that are spread out across the vastness of the heavens, and not be shaken deeply within their soul
Or, who can attempt to explain their place within the reaches of the universe, without being humbled by the scope of its magnificence, after looking at the small size our footprint
What man has learned about this place sheds light on the awesome power of God
But, there is so much more. God only knows the wonders He has formed, that we have not yet seen or explored; or barely determined, through the efforts of our curious minds
God is due our honor
He is worthy of our praise
The Most High is great beyond all measure. Give thanks to Him for what He has done
It is sufficient that I experience His presence; that I feel the touch of His Spirit upon my life. That I know without a doubt, His goodness and love towards me
And, it is proof enough for me to believe, as I contemplate His Word and His promises, because, I have experienced how His instruction has changed my life; To live in a way that is so much different than before.
I believe in His love for me. I have hope; and I know, each day, the blessing of peace and joy
I also trust in God, because all of life and creation validates Him, and proves to my heart, that there is nothing more important than to have faith in Him. 10/7/2007