May you pray each day to your Father in Heaven, and speak to your God, so that He may begin to be known to you; as you are completely known by Him
May you pray, not as one who wants to be seen, or someone who is interested only in what others think, but, as one who seeks after God alone
So that the life of Christ, and His will might overtake your own life, so that you would be changed and made complete in Him
May you find a quiet place where you might close off the noise, and disable every distraction of this earth; so that you might be alone with God and clearly hear His will
May Jesus Christ reward you with His presence, as He sees your faithfulness and genuine honesty
May He listen intently, as you speak to Him in truth with an open and honest heart
For our God will not turn anyone away, who genuinely seeks Him in faithful prayer
He will not ignore their cries, or turn away from their voice, as they go before Him. But, He will draw near and be present with them in the fullness of His life
His truth and wisdom, He will not withhold from this who seek it. His love and comfort, will be a His gift to all those who trust in Him
May you pray from a right motive of heart. Not with vain and repetitious words, or through some formula, for God easily sees through our motives. He knows the condition of our heart and the nature of our prayers, immediately, as we go before Him
Therefore, become completely transparent before Him, so that your prayers may not be hindered, and so that His life can flow freely into yours
Prayer is a quietly powerful means of communication with God. It is uplifting and strength giving and one of the the best ways to experience His presence in your life. 2/9/2007