Last month I replaced the flowers growing in some large planters at the entrance of a commercial office. It was time to pull out the summer Zinnias that were still blooming in order to plant flowers that would do well in the coming winter. A receptionist came out and was upset with me for tearing out ‘those perfectly beautiful flowers’. What she did not understand was that it was getting into late in fall and I needed to have the winter flowers established before the cold weather set in. If I waited any longer, they would be limited in producing beautiful flowers during the next five months. As it turned out, we had a hard frost two days later and those Zinnias would have died anyway.
There are times and seasons that come and go throughout everything in life. It is God’s will for us that we be prepared to react appropriately to everything that lies ahead. We must respond by using every bit of knowledge we have gained through living, with the perfect wisdom of God’s Word, and through the careful leading of His Spirit.
When we stay rightly related to God, and found our choices upon His Word and principals, we will keep to the best path for our lives. Seasons will come and go, some good and others not, but He will always keep our souls safe and secure. Therefore, continue to be a person of prayer; spend time with Him daily, in solitude, where He can instruct you in the preparations for the upcoming season. Ask for His advice, and God will by no means keep it from you. Be a student of His Word. Don’t give up.
There are times when God will show you something difficult. A way that we should go, a person we need to talk to, a relationship we must cut off, or, to make a change in our life that is easier said than done. We may balk and say to ourselves, “how can we ever do that”? The Lord won’t demand that we do so, but He may bring it up time and time again until we either obey, or its season passes and the opportunity that it held is lost forever. “Oh ye of little faith”; It must grieve the Spirit of God every time we step back and make the safe and easy choice, at the expense of our growth and life in Him.
God knows what is best for our lives. He sees the frosts that are coming in a few days. He can sense when we are protecting a weakness in our lives or when we’re putting up a front that only serves to keep us longer in chains. He knows that other people may not always approve of the way He has laid out for us, but His Spirit continues, nonetheless, to remind us and coax us towards His perfect way. How great is the love and direction of God. He works so that we may grow in our faith and realize that His way is really the best and most joyous road we could have ever taken.