Lord, heal the wounds that have been inflicted upon my life. Pour out your mercy, so that I may be made whole.
Bring about renewal in my heart, so that am made sound and strong
Speak your Word deep unto me, so that I may know the truth, and listen, for your will and your council
Lord, I humbly go before You. I stand at the feet of your throne, confessing my sins and my lack of faith, so that you might heal me and correct every way that is crooked
Pour our your Spirit. Do what only you can do. Bless my life with your presence, and heal me, so that I may again, glorify You
Help me run with endurance. Train up my heart and my mind. Convince my spirit with your Truth, and by the revelation of your perfect love, so that I may serve You each day
I rest in You, and quiet my soul before You. I meditate upon your ways
The things that I have schemed for, I leave aside, so that your will becomes my all in all
My life has become weak, because I forgot to seek You each day. I focused upon earthly things, and not those of heaven. What great affliction has overtaken me!
Yet, I will return again and give glory to my God, through the entire expression of my life
I have been healed by God before. He has pulled me up from impossible places, where there was no light or hope, and now, I will trust that He will help me again.
For He is a God who loves His children. All who go before Him that are sick and broken, can be healed and made new again. 6/27/2007