May our Lord God bless you this day, and fill your life with His life, so that you might have joy and assurance, overflowing
May He look upon you in favor and grant you peace, through the outpouring of His love and His Spirit
For the Lord is good in all that He does
He blesses us with gifts we seldom measure, and is always gracious unto us, though we could never deserve all he has given
May the Lord give you understanding this day, and bring you wisdom in these times that test us, so that you might be able to stand and not falter
On this day, may His strength be your strength, and give you the endurance to weather every storm of life
For our God is stronger than anything that will come upon us. His power in us is more than enough to see us through
May you draw close to our Lord, Jesus Christ, this day, and speak to Him in faith filled prayers, so that He might pour His life giving Spirit into you, and fill you
May the life of Christ dwell richly within you and begin to revitalize your life. May His love overwhelm you, so that He can be magnified in you, and His love shine forth from your life
I pray that the Lord would give you an appetite for His Word, so that your faith and knowledge would be magnified; that God might equip you through His Word in order that your doubts might vanish and that your faith might be made more sure
May you always have Godly answers for those who ask questions of your faith, not only for your benefit, but also, for the strength and salvation of all those you know
May you realize again this day, that our God is faithful, and that He will never leave you or forsake you. That He watches over His children night and day, protecting us from all evil and the schemes of man
Know this, that we will continue to suffer earthly pains, but He has blessed us with the gift of eternal life in full measure
May the Lord, our God, walk beside you each day, so that you will feel and know His very presence, and understand His boundless love for you
For our God is the source and giver of all life. The one who has blessed us beyond all understanding
May His love so overwhelm your senses, that you have no choice but to rejoice and give Him praise; and that you would offer your life to Him with thanksgiving
For He is the one true God, creator, and illuminating light above all creation. 8/10/2006