The Earth and all that lies within it are God’s. He sustains it, and cares for it; Our maker owns every particle of its being
For by His awesome power, God created the universe, and our World. Through His wisdom, He made them incredible, intricate, beautiful
And because of God’s love, He formed life on this planet
What a wonder is life. The dust from remnants of past stars; the material of the earth and sea, animated, to live and breath
We know of no other place where this has happened, in the entire universe
Life is precious. It is a gift of God. Because, life was made by His choice and given to the living, so that we may share in the benefit of honoring who He is
May all the Earth worship His name
God placed man above everything that He created on Earth. He assigned us stewardship over this precious creation, so that we would fill the earth. But also, so that we could care for His world as He would like, with love, kindness, respect; through justice and obedience unto Him
So that in all that we do, we endeavor that His earth remains good
Lord, you have made us a little less than the angels. You have given us this amazing home. You have blessed us with everything that we need to live and we have thrived upon this earth
When we have done selfish things and forgotten our God, you have offered us forgiveness of our sins, and offered us a way to escape our guilt and condemnation.
Even offering us Your Son, Jesus Christ, so that we might have hope and to live life in all richness and joy. So that we might have everlasting life through His sacrifice. We can live in Your creation, forever
How great are the gifts of our God?
We live here today on this Earth, our home. We look out at the beauty that God has made, and the ugliness we have brought upon the land and on His people, by the destructive ways of our sin
Oh, that we could all see our God this day and know the love in His heart for us. So that we might turn to Him and honor His goodness and power
That we might rightly see the path that lies before us. A way that leads to life, and not to destruction
The presence of God fills the entire universe. He is not far from you now
Seek Him with all your heart and effort and He will reveal Himself to you. He will show you the wonders of His being 1/21/2020