Trust in the Lord with all of your heart
Fear not the trials and troubles in life; Always rely on His steadfast love, and you will have peace
There are seasons for rest and healing, and there are times when we must grow; Times when we must become more in our life than what we are today
Do not despair, God will always be with you; He will not leave your side, unless, you first leave His
There will come times when it seems like He is absent; when trials and storms seem to gather darkly around, but they might just be for our own good
Bonds of ease and comfort sometimes need to be broken. Hard choices must be made in order for God’s work to continue on
So take heart and move forward towards the direction of His will. Pray and listed for His counsel; continue to study His word so that will gain understanding
Don’t neglect to stay connected with your church, even though it may be hard during these times. Be safe and creative, for in times of testing, this will help us remain strong
Stay close to God and to the flowing power of His Spirit, which keeps us ready for all things, and able to do things which require strength that is greater than ours alone
Times of trial and testing, are times of spiritual growth. If we don’t fall back and retreat, we will certainly gain valuable experience and abilities that make us stronger and more able to carry His message
After all, what is our life for? Who gave us our breath, and has stirred the hope that lives inside us?
Did not Jesus tell us that we would have troubles in this world? That trials and troubles would mark a life lived in obedience to Him?
So, strengthen yourself, knowing that these times surely must come into our life; and that they will continue to come as the years pass by. But also, be assured that He is keeping our souls and will uphold us aways with His own strength
God will give us the power to endure when you need it, as we faithfully remain in His presence
Take heart my friend, when the clouds begin to gather and you know you’re heading into a rough time. Be brave and and faithful to your God, in all ways; and though you may stumble along your path, He will be there to help you to your feet.
His love will see us through, even to the very doors of death and beyond
For our God is stronger that any power on earth. He can break through any obstacle that lies upon our path, and make a way for us long and straight
For we are His children, the sons and daughters of the King; and our lives are very precious to Him, who rules both the heavens and the earth. 1/16/2001