“Hello world, are you listening? Can you hear me today, amidst the deafening roar? I am reaching out to you; holding out my arms; waiting for you patiently. I am your safe passage through the storm”
Our God calls out to us each day. He has a desire to meet with us, so that He can share His life with our life, and bless us with His wisdom and love.
But do we listen?
He speaks in a still and quiet voice. Can we even hear Him?
There is so much noise that surrounds us these days. So much distraction. It deafens us, and prevents us from hearing Him
The God of our world, our closest friend, the one who loves us. He is near to us
God surrounds us with His presence. He touches our lives. But can we feel or understand this?
He reaches out to us every hour, each day. How is it that we don’t sense Him? When we long to know God, and have a closer relationship with our creator
Please, turn off the noise, get away from the disruptions. Bring yourself into a place where you can reach Him
Switch off the phone, silence all distractions. Don’t watch the news all day, it will not give you peace. Bring yourself into a place where you can hear God
Seek Him, and you will find Him
Reach out to your God in a quiet place, where His Spirit may be felt. Speak to Him with all of your heart in prayer, and you will sense His quiet gentle voice
Shut out the buzz of life around you. even if it is only for a little while each day. There, you will find His presence; In that place He will lift you. You will gain a greater understanding, and a new vision, that will make your life more whole each day. 12/21/2019