If the way before you is unclear, trust in the Lord. If the path ahead is shrouded in clouds and remains obscured, wait upon your Lord, God.
For He alone, knows the future. He will guide your steps.
Do not run ahead before Him, but allow His lead to direct your every move. Wait upon Him. Trust in the Lord.
A clear way awaits you just ahead, but for now, it is better to wait. Lean upon Him, and He will show you a perfect way.
There are times when great barriers gather around us, difficult circumstances, that may cast a shadow of fear upon us. Simply, trust in the Lord, for He is stronger than anything set before us.
Without Him we have no strength, but through His Spirit and by His Hand, He can deliver us safely and give us power to overcome.
For the Lord goes with all those who trust in Him.. He walks beside those who reach out for His hand. Oh what a trustworthy God is ours!
Fear is our reminder to believe in Him, to give ourselves over to His will, and trust in all of His ways for us.
The things that happen in this world will push us, if we let them. They will drop us into hard places, if we allow them to.
But when we trust in God, and follow after our Lord Jesus Christ, our footing will become secure.
Even when great mountains seem to loom before us, and threats and fear rise up against us, our God will protect us. He will provide a way, so that we might prosper and not perish; So that we might rejoice, instead of despair.
For our God is good. He is mighty and powerful above all things, and will provide a way for all those who love Him. 12/28/2007