For this is what the high and lofty One says- He who lives forever, whose name is holy; “I live in a high and holy place, but also with those who are contrite and lowly in spirit, to revive the spirit of the lowly and revive the heart of the contrite”.
My life is continually before You, Oh Lord. Every particle of my being is known to Your Eye; and yet I don’t always see the face that so loves me, and my thoughts are often on earthly things
How far, oh Lord, am I from You; yet Your thoughts are always upon me
Even though I seek You diligently, my mind is apt to wander; and though I often spend time in prayer, I can lose sight of You
As I make my way through life, I realize more each day just how weak I am, and how dependent I am upon You. For my life is held in Your hand. You could crush it out, but all I have ever felt is Your love and Your power
If You were to judge righteously, my life, and how I have managed it, You would not be found too harsh if You were to give me the stiffest of penalties
But, in all that You have done, I have found only gifts of forgiveness, second chances, and the chance to live the fullest life imaginable
Where do I go from here Lord?
It’s hard to believe that You have not grown tired of me asking that question. But I am reminded, that You have a plan for me, as You do for everyone
Help me to have the courage to follow Your ways, and not my own. Remind me of how futile it is to strike off in my own way, and strengthen me to know that Your way is always the best path I can take
You hold my life in a vise grip. I cannot wander far before Your Word reminds me of the route I should take
I praise You that You care enough lay hold of my life, and I thank You that You have never let me go, even when I have struggled with all my might against Your grip
I do not know what the future holds, only that someday You are going to send Your Son back to us. Someday, I am going to stand in front of You, Jesus; and I don’t know if I am going to be able to look You in the eye. For I would be undone by You. There is nothing worthy enough within me to stand in Your presence
But, You have placed Your Spirit within me, and it is preparing me for that day.
The very Spirit of Your being dwelling inside of me, attesting day by day of the incomprehensible goodness that is in You, that leads me to live out that goodness in my life
Lord, You have formed me from the dust of this incredible universe, breathed life into my body, and placed me here in this time and place
No doubt, You have a purpose for my life. I know now that it is not always to achieve the success of mankind, but to live out Your loving ways day by day throughout my life; and to continually seek to glorify Your most Holy Name. 1997