Consider this day, what you should offer your God. What would be an acceptable gift, for one so great and mighty
What could He possibly need?
For God created all the heavens and the earth. He owns it all, there is nothing that is not His
All the world we live in lies within the palm of His hand. It is His creation. There’s not a single atom within this planet He does not own. All that live upon it were born from His will
He gave breath and life to all who dwell here, both plant and animal, microbe, and fungi
The God of all made the stars that dwell in the sky, He crafted their forms and gave rise to their clusters. He moved His arm and they swirled into galaxies, the courses they take were charted by Him from the beginning. Our God owns them all
What could we offer such a mighty God, who owns each of our lives, who gave us our breath, our life, our body, our heart, and our soul?
He has blessed us with our life, may we revere Him all of our days
In beauty and in death, in triumph and in our struggles, through health and during illness, with our richness and in our want, He stands with us, as our maker and our God
How could we not give thanks for the goodness of His creation and for all the things that He has blessed us with throughout our lives
What is life if we don’t recognize His place in the order of things?
We have riches and opportunities available that we have not seen yet. We have His Word and His Spirit to direct us so that we might live in all fullness of life
We have our families and friends and a great multitude of believers all around us, who He gave to us
They bless us, and He gives us many opportunities to bless them, so that love would abound. Yet, God’s love surpasses all
For He gave us hope in the form of His Son, Jesus Christ. In Him He provided the map that leads off to eternity so that we might dwell with God forever
He Himself has given us this all. Should we not give to Him by His own example?
Give thanks and live out His gift of love that flows through you with all your mind, body, soul, and strength. It is our only true means of offering something of value to Him. 9/8/2021