Holy is the Lord, our God, and Savior; justness and righteousness flow out from His throne. Great is His love and grace towards us, goodness and mercy abound in all that He does
We, who trust and believe in Him are made new and alive, the lamp of our lives is renewed day by day. It will never go out
Sing praises to the God of all creation. Lift up His name with all your strength, for He knows those who place their faith in Him, He loves those who consider Him their God
Rejoice in the Spirit of our Lord Jesus Christ, believe in the man who came to us from God. Even before the dawn of creation, He was one with Him
Speak His name in love, for He is the Christ, God’s incredible gift, our Lord and savior who reigns above all the earth
Christ died to remove our deadly burden of sin. He was raised to life again, to reign as one with God in heaven
Jesus opened the door for God’s grace and mercy to pour out upon us, so that we who believe and trust in Him could have everlasting life
Our Lord, Jesus Christ, atoned for the burden of all our sin when He gave up His life for us upon the cross. By the same power that raised Him to life again, He rendered death powerless over those who put their faith in Him
Cry out to God, for His mercy is given freely. Lift your praises unto Him, because His forgiveness is poured out to all who trust in Him
For we, who are imperfect and burdened with sin, have now been pardoned of our sentence of death through Christ and we will dwell in purity and wonder with God forever more
God reigns in power, He is at work this very day and hour
Christ Jesus is seated with Him in heaven, He rules above all the earth. They are one and the same power, sovereign over us
Give thanks this day and forever more, never forget or take it for granted, that you are a child of God
You, who call yourself believers, never stop praising His Name, for you were once dead in your sins, mortally wounded in transgressions, but now you are alive in Him
You see and know that He is the light and life that dwells within you
Brothers and sisters in Christ, don’t turn away or rest easy as a Christian, for we have all been called to serve, and to put our faith in action
Christ calls us to always be ready for His return, because we neither know the year, day, or hour when He will come again. Run the long race, renew your faith each day
Rejoice in God always, for you have been forgiven, you are children of the one true King, Jesus Christ, our God. 2/14/2022