Psalm 27:11
Lord, purify me, so that I may be a blessing upon the Earth
Lead me not unto temptation, but delivery me towards a pathway filled with Your truth and light, so that I may do good in this world and not evil
Enable me to do things that have an eternal effect. Daily acts that help build Your kingdom
Oh Lord, may I be guided by Your truth, and taught through Your Word. May I be made strong by these, so that I may accomplish Your will
Lord You are eternal. May my life make a difference for You long past my days
My God, You have blessed the entire Earth that You created. May I bless this earth and seek to heal the harms that have come upon it
My savior, You offer us salvation through Jesus Christ. Remind me always, to lead others towards this truth
Our Lord desires that we stay close to Him, and always seek His council. May my life always stay grounded in You through prayer, praise, and worship, so that Your spirit may always dwell richly within me
For You are the way, the truth, and the light of all the world. I shall always be thankful unto You
Our lives are like a brief flash of light; A puff of mist that quickly disappears. We are here today, but who can guarantee the tomorrows that lie ahead?
During our brief days, we can make a difference through our life. We can affirm that which is eternal in God, and be reflections of his truth and His light. Who knows How God might use us?
Even though everything we do may seem insignificant, God can use us to bring His purposes to fruition
Through faith and obedience to His call, we are put into action, and through our actions, God can accomplish His work
Without God, we can do nothing. But when we do God’s will, He does amazing things
Life is short, but many are the plans of God’s people. We strive after so many things during our life, but it is the Lord’s purpose that always prevails
Lord help me to realize this each day, and to always do your will. Let me see the eternal during the day to day
Teach me to value that which will have eternal consequences, which magnify your love flowing through my life
In You God, is abundance of life and light. Let it shine forth through me as I live out this gift, my life. 11/24/19