Jesus stands above the entire world, as its Creator and King
He lives in Spirit and in form before all people who dwell within this place
His Word call out to us across this great expanse and the Spirit of Christ searches the hearts of each one of us
The Christ, the Son of God, who was and is, and forever will be, is here with us. There is no place where He cannot reach and no power in heaven or Earth who rules above Him
He is our God
And He loves us
With love He made this Earth, our home, and by His amazing power God created things just so
In time, Jesus came to dwell with us and stood before us. He came to restore our place before the almighty God, so that all our sins could be wiped away and that we might be made more than we ever could be on our own
He is the savior of all the world, the one who can bring healing for our wounds. Christ can cure us from that which we had no hope or recourse
All the world dwells before Him, and He comes to offer us healing and hope
How confused and distracted are we who inhabit this place. Most of us do not know our God, or, even recognize the He exists
Few understand how great a gift to the world that Christ is; that He, who gave His life for us and so that we might be able to live before our God, forever, would come to us in Spirit and in truth
He give us each this opportunity for eternal life. Every person on Earth is offered this chance to believe upon Him. All, are equally given this gift, but few are those who accept it
The Son of God comes to us each day with His hands outstretched. Jesus calls out and offers us His promise, so that we might have life in all the abundance that God intended
Take hold of Him this day and every one hereafter. Pray and worship His name in faith and in truth, for He is the reason that we have life, and love, and being. 1/25/2022