Holy is the Lord God Almighty. He reigns over all the earth, and all of His creation
Our Lord looks out across the universe and sees that it is good. By His will it was created, along with all the things that exist within it
He formed all the nuances of light, motion, and matter. It was His thought to blend them to be just as they are, so that awesome formations like galaxies, black holes, and solar systems would exist; and so that life could spring forth to praise and worship His name
Holy is our God who made all this to be. He exists in every dimension He has created
Our Lord, and God, blesses everything that is, because He loves all that He has made. Glorious is our God; through the creation He has given us life. When we observe what He has done we cry out to Him, and praise Him for His wisdom, power, and love.
You are worthy, oh God, to receive all honor, and glory, and praise. For we amount to nearly nothing in relation to what You have made. We are but a breath, a small flash of light against the backdrop of the creation; inconsequential, but you have given us meaning for our life
For You, oh Lord, have considered us, and come to us. You have blessed us with Your Word, and sent to us Your very own Son as a minister and savior, so that we might live in harmony with You, forever
How great is Your love, it stretches out across all the universe. Yet, has become focused here upon this earth, our home; the place that You made for us, and for the life we share this planet with
Therefore, we give you our praise; we worship You alone, oh God. For there is nothing else as worthy as You
Great is our God, the One who has created all things. By Your will they were created and have their being. We bow before You and acknowledge that You are our God
We lay down our pride and possessions. The power that we thought we had over our life, we give to You.
The little strength have, we turn over to You, oh Lord; so that Your will can reside in us and allow us to consider You always, that we might receive Your love and live near Your throne, forever
Great is our God, and worthy of our praise. We were created by You, and in You we have our being. May You alone receive all our honor, our glory, and our praise
For You are our God and You love us and have blessed us with the gift of life. May we understand the depth, width, and height of all this, so that we might glorify You all the days of our life. 1/5/2021