May the Lord draw you near this day and remind you of His presence, so that you might remember your place in Him, and be restored towards a completeness in faith
On this day, come back to your God. Return from your wandering, so that you might be made whole again, and be healed from the wounds that sin has inflicted upon you
May God richly bless you this day with the revealing of His truth and wisdom. So that you may see clearly the road ahead, and begin again, to follow His ways of living
By His power and through His love, He will begin to restore every broken place, and lift up those who may be broken, to renew them by His truth and goodness
May the Lord of righteousness, walk with you each day, our one true savior, and heal those wounded places, so that you may be of sound mind, body, and soul
Cease from your wandering. Leave behind, those things that cause desolation. Build up your life within the strength of God, and be made new
May you come before the Lord each day; and with each waking of the morning, return again to Him, so that you might call upon His name, and listen
Never tire from seeking our Lord, for He will return to all who look for His presence, and will soon be beside those who desire His friendship
Cry out to God, and come back home to a place of safety and communion with Him
Return, once again, and be filled with God’s Spirit and truth. There you will find a safe haven from the storms of life
May the Lord always remind you of His love for you, and bring to remembrance the magnitude of His goodness. For all good things come from Him. All that has ever been a blessing in your life, has been a gift from God
Sin is a liar. It promises, but always withdraws true reward. Instead, it’s bite is like a venomous snake, which shows no mercy upon its victims
May God continue to deliver you from every form of evil, and draw you near today, so that you may be filled with all fullness of life. 11/18/1006